Energy Assessors Can Help Us Go Green

Green energy is gaining proponents throughout the globe. Many utility companies, notably in the United States, are now offering the opportunity for residents and commercial customers to choose to go green. One of the latest of these programs took place in Cincinnati Ohio just recently, when a major utility, Duke Energy Ohio, announced that its green energy pilot program application had been approved by the states public utilities commission.

What this means is that Duke Energy Ohio customers, whether residential or commercial does not matter, can now choose renewable green energy as their source of power for their homes, stores, warehouses, or offices. They can choose biomass power, solar power, wind power, low head hydropower or anything else renewable and available within their part of the state. They still pay their energy bill as they always have, although they may see a slight increase in the cost.

The way this Ohio green energy program works is that Duke Energy has designated one initial 200 kilowatt hour block of green energy for each month, and has another option to purchase additional 100 kilowatt blocks as needed in response to customer demand. Green energy customers would pay an addition 2.5 cents for each of these kilowatt hours kWh above the standard Duke Energy rate. This cost is to defray the added expanse of renewable energy.

Duke Energy took the stand that green energy is becoming more and more important to the environment and its residents. It is the utilitys hope that this program will encourage additional participation in and development of green energy programs throughout the entire state of Ohio and beyond. It was the decision of Duke Energy executives that customers were ever more environmentally and green energy conscious and needed this additional electric service option.

The Duke Energy Ohio green energy program is in its pilot program phase until January 1, 2009. Based on the continued and growing supply of renewable energy and customers willingness to participate the program will continue beyond the pilot. In the very near future Duke Energy Ohio customers will be able to go direct to the companys Web site and sign up for green energy. Users can already go to the Duke Energy site and learn about green energy and how it saves their money and their environment as well. Videos that educate customers on the various money and energy saving options are found there, as well as information on loan sources for energy conservation that include installation of green energy equipment and measures. There are also some grants available for companies and consumers who want to go green.

Duke Energy Corporation, the parent of Duke Energy Ohio is one of the largest of the U.S. electric power providers, with nearly four million customers. In the Midwest and North and South Carolina, Duke Energy supplies 37,000 megawatts of electricity. In Kentucky and Ohio it is the major supplier of natural gas. Outside of the United States, Duke Energy supplies 4000 electric megawatts to various parts of Latin America.

Duke Energy Ohio has 680,000 electric power customers and 42,000 natural gas customers.
About the Author
James Copper is a writer for where you can become an energy assessor

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