10 Ideas on how to turn things around.

Before going green, get energy efficient, and save yourselves some money.

If going green still seems a bit of a chore, you can always start by getting more energy efficient. Energy efficiency is all about doing the right thing, and finding practical ways to reduce your energy consumption. Today, using less energy not only helps fight the effects of global warming, but it can also help you to reduce your bills. Here is our top 10 energy saving ideas:

1. Heating - Turning your thermostat down by 1 , and having Central Heating Maintenance carried out could save you up to 10% off your heating bill.

2.Lighting - Low energy light bulbs last up to 15 times longer than traditional bulbs and use 80% less electricity.

3. Cooking - Remember to cover saucepans with lids to ensure the heat is kept in. You may also find you don't need the heat as high with the lid on.

4. Appliances - Don’t leave the television on standby as this wastes energy.

5. Bathing - Take a shower instead of a bath, and ensuring you have the correct Boiler Care carried out. An ordinary shower will use a third of the hot water needed for a bath.

6.Cavity Wall - Installing cavity wall insulation could save you up to £235* a year.

7. Loft Insulation - Up to 25% of heat is lost through your roof. Save as much as £90* a year by insulating your loft to 25cm*

8. Washing Machines - An energy efficient washing machine could use up to 33% less energy a year.

9. Fridges - An A-rated fridge-freezer is more energy efficient than other fridge-freezers.

10. Dishwashing - A new energy efficient dishwasher uses 60% of the energy of a typical old one.

Bonus tip: Finding a cheaper Electricity Supplier would help too.

*The cost savings shown are approximate, are provided for illustrative purposes only and are based on a gas heated semi-detached house with three bedrooms. Savings assume a gas price of 2.57p/kWh with gas consumption, of 31,700 units per annum (prior to installing the insulation measures). Individual savings may vary depending on type, age, main heating fuel of your home or if you choose to take increased warmth following installation of the measures.

Green energy is derived from clean renewable sources such as solar, wind, water and waste which do not generate greenhouse gas emissions.

Article Tags: Energy Efficient

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


This article has been brought to you by Jay Khan on behalf of Powergen. Powergen is part of E.ON - UK's largest integrated electricity company. Also brought to you by Powergen are Central Heating Maintenance, and Boiler Maintenance.


How to make a home more green energy efficient?

With an increased stress on environmental friendly and energy efficient technologies making a home more green energy efficient has become easy as well as cost effective. So if you are thinking of some simple ways to save up on electricity bills you can bring in some smart changes to your home by making it more eco friendly and end up in saving up a considerable amount of money on the long run.
The term green energy basically refers to the usage of heating and cooling devices which use much less energy or renewable energy such as solar and wind which is environmental friendly as well as cost effective. Contrary to popular belief installing energy efficient devices in one’s home does not involve a huge investment as there are a numerous companies in the market offering green energy solutions for homes at highly competitive and bargain prices. The following section lists some convenient ways by which you can make your home more green energy efficient:
1. Install a solar water heater: Installing a solar water heater is a great way to turn your home more green energy efficient. While purchasing a solar water heater from the market can be expensive one can also build their own solar powered heaters at relatively low prices.
2. Put up photovoltaic solar panels: Using the sun’s renewable energy and converting it into electric power can be easily done by putting up photovoltaic solar panels on the rooftops of your home.
3. Opt for a domestic windmill: If you live in a windy area, installing a domestic windmill or a wind turbine is another great way to generate power through wind energy.
4. Switch to passive solar technology: If you are constructing a new home you can make it more green energy efficient by using bricks that are made of insulated materials, installing energy efficient doors and windows as well as deigning the home to allow the optimum passage of natural light into your rooms.
5. Build a compost pit in your garden: A great way to recycle your biodegradable kitchen waste and make your garden area more green and fertile is by building a compost pit.
Turning a home green energy efficient involves utilizing renewable energy such as sun, wind and water into power through innovative technologies which are easily accessible in today’s times for domestic use. So go ahead and do yourself and the environment a great favor by adopting a more eco - friendly lifestyle by turning your home more green energy efficient.
Article Tags: Home More Green, More Green Energy, Green Energy Efficient, Home More, More Green, Green Energy, Energy Efficient, Renewable Energy, Solar Water

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Melanie Hogeveen is an expert writer in varied fields and has been doing research on several topics for the past several years. She is renowned for her advices and tips to help people and environment. For more details please visit Green Energy.


Green Web Hosting

Green Web Hosting has become a major consideration over the last couple of years, and due to the already massive and still increasing global energy demands of the IT industry, green energy web hosting is here to stay.
Most web hosting as with other business is powered by electricity generated from the traditional power stations, running on coal, oil, gas and nuclear power. With the rising prices of these fossil fuels and growing concern about the safety of the nuclear industry many businesses are looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint, the benefits of this are two fold:

1. PR, being seen to be actively trying to cut down on your emissions will ultimately win you more customers.

2. Economic Considerations, as the cost of producing fossil fuels increases so does the cost of powering your servers, in-addition it is anticipated that the worlds server farms will by the end of 2012 be creating a bigger impact on the environment than the airline industry. This will have a knock on effect as governments penalise companies not actively trying to reduce their carbon footprints.

So how do web hosting companies go green? Well there are several different methods, some produce their own electricity, using solar panels and wind turbines mounted at their server farms, some especially in Greenland use geo thermal energy or hydroelectricity. And at the other end of the spectrum some simply buy green energy credits to offset their carbon footprint.

Other ways that hosts reduce their carbon footprint is to use newer technology such as the AMD Opteron server which generates 50% less heat and therefore requires less energy to cool them, greener web hosts are also running entirely paperless offices and billing which reduces deforestation.

Which ever way you look at it green web hosting is here to stay and should be a factor in your next choice of web host.

Source: ArticlesFactory.com


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