Corporate Clean Energy Investment

* Corporate research, development and deployment (RD&D) into clean energy has continued to grow year on year, reaching a total of $10.5bn in 2007, up from $8.37bn in 2006. The figures show the EMEA (Europe Mid-East and Africa) region taking the largest share, with AMER (Americas) closely following and ASOC (Asia-Pacific) somewhat lagging behind.


Helping Children to Understand Alternative Energy

Energy Circles RoundIf you have ever spent much time with kids, you know that life is one big question and answer session. With all the topics they are always bringing up, there is no better one to introduce than the topic of our world and how to improve it. A parent could take questions about the sun and turn them into answers about solar energy.


Electricity from physical pressure?

A new experiment in France will use the pressure that is made by people walking on the street to electricity!


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